online classes

Hello folks!

You may have noticed a price increase on the online classes. Sorry guys. To make providing online sustainable I had to come to grips with charging more money.

I took the “in studio” 30 day unlimited pass and halved it- thats how I came up with the amount that is now the increased online price. I hope that seems fair. Same classes, half the price- since you’re doing it at home.

Also, to those who enjoy the online yoga- one of the benefits is that you can have a class at the ready whenever you would like one. Im always happy and able to send a previously recorded class your way- just in case you’re not able to make it to the class times listed. You email me- I send it. Easy easy. A little added benefit to the “unlimited” option. Some folks don’t know about that- but now you do.

Thank you for your continued support of this studio. Whether you’re on line or coming in- you all are making this place possible. Indigo has my heart- you all do. This place is magic and I am beyond honored and flattered to be the steward of such a loving space. Thank you and see you soon.

Cherie Penarska